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Recent Rumors About School Violence

There have been several rumors about school violence, specifically concerning the Middle School and High School. 

We, with the help of our Sheriff’s Department have investigated two specific concerns that were brought to us. Neither of them have been credible, and the first one was settled quickly and was about another county in the state. The second one has been more persistent, and it concerns a list that has the names “Johnson County Middle School” and “Johnson County High School” on it. 

We have seen this original list, as verified by law enforcement, and it comes from the Georgia Department of Education, and it pertains to schools that are to receive “targeted assistance” due to their Title I status. There is a Johnson County Middle and Johnson County High in Wrightsville, GA. So, there have been zero credible threats to our schools, and there have been no lockdowns or reasons for a lockdown.  With that said, we will continue to investigate any and all threats.

You can find the document in question here.  The Johnson County schools (actually in Georgia) are listed on page 28 of this document:

FLU Vaccinations Available at Your Child's School

FLU Vaccinations Available at Your Child's School

The Johnson County Health Department and the Johnson County School System have partnered to provide seasonal influenza (flu) vaccinations at your child's school. If your child is uninsured, there is no cost to you for the flu vaccine. If your child is covered by insurance, including TennCare and private insurance, the County Health Department will file a claim with the insurance plan and receive reimbursement directly from the insurance plan . There is no out of pocket cost to you for the flu vaccines provided during this school flu vaccination clinic.

Health Department nurses will vaccinate children and school staff using the injectable (shot) flu vaccine. Clinics will begin as soon as the vaccine arrives at the health department (usually middle to late fall).

If you would like for your child to receive flu vaccine, please complete the following consent form. Be sure to sign the form electronically as this will be your permission for your student to receive the vaccine. You must fill out a separate consent form for each student you would like to receive the vaccine. If at a later date you change your mind and do not wish for your child to receive flu vaccine at the school, please notify the Johnson County Health Department at 423-727-9731 prior to the clinic date. This service to the students and staff is being done to decrease the impact of seasonal flu in our communities and to decrease school absenteeism.

If you have any questions, please call the Johnson County Health Department at 423-727-9731

Consent Form - English (to be updated)

Consent Form - Spanish (to be updated)

Homebound Information for 2022-23 School Year

Homebound Information for 2022-23 School Year

The purpose of Homebound Instruction is to provide educational services outside of the regular classroom to students with temporary illness or injuries to help students maintain their academic performance during recovery.   The Johnson County School System has updated its homebound services/policies and request packet. We will no longer accept the previous homebound forms.  For any questions, please contact Edna Miller, Homebound Supervisor, at

Johnson County Schools Homebound Guidelines

Johnson County Schools Homebound Request Packet

COVID and School Attendance

COVID and School Attendance

COVID continues to be a concern in our community and schools. There are no current guidelines regarding COVID, and each LEA will determine policy on each individual case. If your child test positive for COVID, please call the school and speak to the School Nurse regarding information for school excuses, for attendance and follow up guidance.

All school employees must use sick leave for all COVID related absences.  All employees must have proof a positive test result in order to avoid requiring a doctor’s note for four or more consecutive days.  This must be attached to the absentee form.

TCAP Information and Resources

TCAP Information and Resources

This past spring, your student took the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) test, so that we can better understand your student’s progress toward grade level learning expectations. A printed copy of your student’s state score report(s) will be sent home within the first two weeks of school. We know there is no one more important in a student’s education than parents and families, and one way we can better serve you is to ensure that you are equipped with complete information about your student’s academic performance in the four core subjects: math, ELA, science, and social studies.

Select and view the complete information here...